We are all called to be Bridge Builders…

Wood Bridge

From USA Provincial of the Society of the Divine Savior, Salvatorians:

“One of the ministries most urgently needed in the church and the world today is the ministry of building bridges; bridges that can reach across the barriers that divide and separate us. All in the church, from its highest leaders to its newest members, must become engaged in this ministry so that, as Jesus said, “all may be one, as you and I are one”. . . That all the many gifts and charisms that are a part of our great diversity may be united in service to our primary mission of evangelization. This calls for the involvement of the entire people of God and requires a new fervor, new methods and a new expression for announcing and witnessing of the Gospel. This demands a new style of pastoral life marked by profound communion and fruitful cooperation, always respecting and fostering the different roles, charisms and ministries present among us. So that we can accomplish God’s wonderful work of reuniting the whole human race.”

Lofty thoughts? I wish I could claim what I just said, but I am simply quoting—Pope John Paul II’s “Apostolic Exhortation” Pastores Dabo Vobis. Between you and me, I think he lifted this from our founder, Father Jordan’s “Apostolic Exhortations”. . . I’m just sayin’!

Read it all here